Wednesday, 12 November 2008


I have realised that if I'm ever going to be happy in any social or romantic sense then there are physical changes I need to make. I regret how shallow it is to force oneself to conform to these requirements, but I can't help it really. It's just something I need to do.

1. Lose weight. I'm too ill for the gym at the moment, so I'm not sure how I'll achieve this exactly. I recently worked out lunch and dinner at halls to be far more expensive than I first estimated, so maybe I'll just substitute something insubstantial but filling. Or dust. I'm huge, and no guy likes a fat guy and the girls I do go for always seem to prefer skinny guys to ... bulky ones.

2. Buy expensive clothes with the money I'll save skipping meals.

3. Watch my skin dramatically improve without the oils from all the food I eat.

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